
顺其自然吧 ... fight fight fight !!!

不懂被选进A team 要开心还是伤心?!haizz...感觉好像会被别人忽视将..==
有时我真的很dulan'你',,为什么你讲的每句话都带刺,,和你在一team 真的不知道该怎么跟你配合..如果一失手,,你又讲我退步了..妈的!! 教练还没讲我你就讲我!! BRAINLESS! 不要以为你是最大的ok?!! FUCK OFF !
i duwan talking ur thing jorh ,,later i will do my best on the game,, and U!PLS KEEP UR MOUTH SHUP!! i duwan heard anything is out by ur mouth!THANK YOU =)
i wrote until here 1st,,later got match,i must force on the game,, must WIN !

bye bye =)

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